
Showing posts from January, 2019

Interactivty i have made myself

Hyper link This is a website of a Nissan GTR. You can also use blogger to make interactive parts of a website - in blogger these are called, Gadgets This is a gadget called Search Box A Search Box is a search engine that can search anything that is in your blog.

My Video

This is a video clip of the college street.

Different type of interactivity

Image A hyperlink is a text that takes you straight to a website. I created this one using audacity I got this link from YouTube I got this image from google images I got this video from YouTube with the link as       will.

Red dead theme song remix

I used audacity to edit and changed up the theme song.

Digital graphics i made myself

I made this image myself in photoshop. I used the pint tool, Hue/saturation to change the colour of the panther.  I made this image myself in photoshop. I used the shadow tool and the brightness tool. I also used the blur tool. I made this image myself in photoshop. I used different images to create this photoshop image. I also used the shadow tool, brightness tool, Hue/saturation and the text tool.

Photos that i took myself

This is a photo of the corridor inside the college on the fourth floor. I used a bridge camera for this photo. This is a photo of a camera. I took this photo with a bridge camera.  This is a photo of a rat man laying down. I took this photo with a bridge camera.